attendance banner


Classroom attendance is tied to classroom success. When students are absent, they miss opportunities to learn, build friendships, and develop skills and attitudes needed to become good citizens. Royse City ISD encourages students to be at school every day, be on time every day and stay all day. The fact is that attendance raises a student’s chance of scoring well on exams and securing college admission. Did you know that high school graduates earn 38% more than those who drop out and college graduates bring in 140% more!


Please remember when writing a note for your child’s absence, the note must include the following information:

  1. Student’s first and last name

  2. Date of absence(s)

  3. Reason for absence

  4. Parents’ signature

If an absence is necessary, you must send a parent note or medical excuse with your child for each absence. You have 3 days from the date your child returns to school for it to be excused. If the excuse comes in after 3 days it will not be excused.


  1. Doctor appointment - with a doctor’s note.

  2. Child is sick – note from parent

  3. Funeral - will be approved with a funeral notice

  4. Religious Holy days – with religious holy day form

  5. Required court appearances – with court note

  6. Activities related to obtaining U.S. Citizenship

  7. Visit with military parent who has been called to duty

A family emergency or family matter will not be automatically excused. We will need more information about the emergency. Thank you for your understanding.


469-721-8113  Alpha House

469-721-8114  Beta House 

469-721-8115  Gamma House

469-721-8112  Delta House

469-721-8117  Kappa House