A 2006 RCHS graduate, Davis stood out in football and powerlifting. In his junior year at Royse City, Davis won enough powerlifting qualifying events to reach the Regional Level which led him to State competition. Davis won the State Powerlifting title in 2005 and 2006. His senior year, he lifted 500 in the squat, 310 in bench press and 540 in the deadlift.

A 1938 RCHS graduate, Billy was a member of the Royse City Bulldog Football teams that had tremendous success. He was a formidable football player and an outstanding lineman. Ellis later served his country in World War II as an aircraft mechanic and was a member of the Army Football team. After the war, Ellis became a prominent member of the Royse City community and would serve a mayor in 1963 and 1964.

A 1964 RCHS graduate, Ford was the quarterback for the Royse City Bulldogs and led the team to the Regional Finals in 1961. Maybe one of the most talented teams in school history, the Bulldogs only had one touchdown scored on their defense that entire regular season. He was also a state qualifier in the discus, played basketball for RCHS and was a pitcher on his baseball team.

A 2000 RCHS graduate, Hays was an accomplished all around athlete. Basketball and football were his strengths. He was a two time All-State Tight End his junior and senior seasons. Known for toughness, Hays even played one season with a broken back. He eventually accepted a scholarship to Steven F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Hays started for the Lumberjacks for four years.

A 2005 RCHS graduate, Mapps was the Bulldogs quarterback his senior year when he lead the them to their only appearance in the State Semifinals. Mapps’ school record includes rushing and passing for nearly 5000 yards his senior year. Mapps accepted a full scholarship to Southern Methodist University where he played for the Mustangs as a running back.

A 2004 RCHS graduate, McCreary excelled in volleyball, basketball, softball, track & field, and cheerleading. In track and field, she was a four time Regional Qualifier and competed three times as a State Medalist in the 100M Hurdles and the 300 meter hurdles. McCreary was also All Star Cheerleader and All American Cheerleader. She was a collegiate track and field athlete and cheerleader at Texas A&M Commerce.

A 1971 RCHS graduate, Payne left a legend of girls basketball that is being challenged even to this day. She once scored 41 points in a single contest and helped lead her team into the 1971 Regional Tournament. After graduating from East Texas State University in Commerce, Payne put her leadership skills to work as she entered a teaching career. Just this year, Payne retired as the Superintendent of Schools of Caddo Mills ISD after a 30 plus year career in education.

A 1955 RCHS graduate, Shaw was a pure and athletic running back for the Royse City Bulldog Football team. He was a member of the undefeated 1953 and 1954 Regional Champion Royse City Bulldog football teams. Widely recruited, he settled on the North Texas State University Eagles and would play there until he was drafted into the Army. During his playing time there, Jerry would play with some of the best football players in the Southwest.

A 1989 RCHS graduate, Smith was one half of the well known "Bo" and "Stick" Show in Royse City Bulldog football in the late 1980's. Smith was one of the most talented athletes on that three year span of District Championships coached by Charlie Carroll. He was named the Defensive and Offensive MVP of the District. In addition to football prowess, Smith was an incredible track star for the Bulldogs even qualifying of regionals in the 100M dash.

A 1994 RCHS graduate, Strawn lettered in five separate sports in school. He played quarterback for the Bulldogs and was a standout basketball and baseball player. He received a full-scholarship to play basketball for Austin College and was a part of their 1996-97 ASC Conference Championship team.

A 2012 RCHS graduate, Young dominated Lady Bulldog Basketball. Her stats in points, rebounds, assists and steals propelled her to collegiate basketball. She continued her basketball success at Collin County Community College for two years before transferring to St. Edwards University for her junior and senior year seasons. She was named Honorable Mention All American in 2014.