Primary and secondary education began in Royse City when the first schoolhouse was built in 1887. Not a very imposing structure, it was a frame boxed building 28x14 feet and stood on the south side of town. Some of the first teachers were Professors Dickinson and Yarbrough and Mrs. Wooster. By 1898 the school employed four teachers and registered 204 students.
In 1906, a much larger building of brick was constructed at a cost of $17,000. It had two large columns on either side of the front entrance and a small dome on the roof. This building was located south of the railroad tracks at College and Lamar Streets. Only basic subjects were taught, reading, writing, arithmetic and a little science. The superintendent and principal taught along with their administrative duties. Some superintendents from this period were Professors Taggart, Mendenhall, and Platt. At this time Royse City Independent School District was formed.
There were no school buses, lunchrooms, gymnasium or indoor restrooms. When football first originated at school, the principal not only coached the boys but also played on the team as quarterback. Of course, there were no uniforms, helmets, or padding.
Sometime during the following years, as the result of arson, the inside of this building was severely damaged. Classes were moved to the Woodman of the World Hall on Main Street and to the Masonic Hall on Arch Street while the school was renovated. The building restored, classes were again held in the three-story brick structure. The basement contained the elementary grades, ground floor was for high school and seventh grade, and the top floor had a large auditorium and a classroom for the eighth grade.
The earliest records found of the district begin in July 1911. The bustling district consisted of about 25 square miles. The district added a music teacher in June 1912. During these early years a gymnasium was erected on the school grounds.

1906 School House
Historically Significant Donations
Royse City ISD Communications is happy to receive any historically significant donations like yearbooks, photos, news clippings and more. Please email communityrelations@rcisd.org or call 972-636-2413.