Strategic planning is a review and planning process that is undertaken to make thoughtful decisions about an organization’s future in order to ensure its success. Royse City ISD Strategic Plans are formed with the help of the community, parents, students and staff.
Strategic Plan 1.0 (2012) and Strategic Plan 2.0 (2017) are both complete and operational. These plans have led to the development of an employee daycare center, associate degree pathways for students, community engagement programs, higher teacher pay and much more.
Carl Alsabrook
Dr. Amy Anderson (Superintendent)
Tim Benson
Bemi Bolarinwa
Nere Bond
Dallas Bookout
Adi Bryant
Byron Bryant
Ashlee Burke
Milly Colon
Kim Crumrine
Steven Downs
Alex Eckert
Chris Everson
Eric Fort (Board Member)
Leslie Flisowski
Doug Fulwood
Adam Gregston
Chase Gregston
Melissa Harvey
Amy Hopkins
Ava Jobe
Cindi Jobe
Brie Kayser
Mattie McKinney
Janet Nichol
Henry Pabon
April Payne
Richard Pense
Jessica Ratterree (Board Member)
Natalie Santosilva
Lorie Squalls
Diane Stegall
Heather Stevens
Rosa Stovall
CJ Teal
Bobby Summers (Board Member)
Dr. Sean Walker
Joshua Wilken
Jennifer Villines