Kevin Worthy FOTPS Award

Friends of Texas Public Schools (Friends) is pleased to announce its 2023 Friend of the Year Awards Dinner honorees including Royse City ISD Superintendent Kevin Worthy.  Friends created the Ambassador of the Year award to shine a light on outstanding, inspiring educators who understand how vital it is to organizational success that we improve the public's perceptions of their public schools by telling our stories, celebrating our achievements, lifting the spirits of our fellow educators, and making sure our communities know their children and tax dollars are in good hands.

"Friends of Texas Public Schools is known for lifting teachers, students, and schools into a well-deserved limelight in Texas. Educators can be humble to a fault. We must brag on the amazing things happening in our schools across Texas. I'm grateful for what FOTPS has done for Texas Public Schools and look forward to the amazing things ahead," said Worthy.

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