As we approach Christmas and the Holiday Season, I want to thank you for being a part of this special district. Our campuses are beaming with energy and excitement. This time of the year brings so many amazing performances for our students to show off their skills and growth.
The small town feel that we love and work to hold dear is evident in the tree lighting events, parades and festivities in Royse City and Fate. Seeing our students shine at those events is the best part.
January will bring the start of a new year, a fresh perspective and high hopes for the Spring Semester! For now though, I truly hope that you have a Merry Christmas and holiday season. |
WINTER BREAK DATES - STUDENTS RETURN JAN. 8Royse City ISD schools and offices will be closed from December 23 to January 6. Employees return on January 6 and students return on January 8. You can find a complete list of school holidays and other important dates on our 2024-2025 district calendar. |
WINTER WEATHER PROCEDURESAs we approach the Christmas Break and look ahead to the second semester, please be mindful of our Winter Weather Protocols. It's also a great idea to be sure that your phone number and email addresses are up-to-date in Family Access so we can reach you in the event of any delays or closures. |
The talent and generosity of students has been on display this month. Through family nights, concerts and toy drives, the students of Royse City ISD are making the holidays bright and merry. Thank you to the wonderful families and staff members for helping facilitate these opportunities. |
Explore the power of functional academics at Royse City ISD. Watch as students develop essential life skills, from budgeting and cooking to job readiness and independent living. RCHS is equipping students for a bright future! |
The Royse City ISD Master Facilities Plan (MFP) was developed by a Permanent Facilities Committee in 2016 as a guide for anticipated growth. Triggers for new facilities and school additions include enrollment figures and bonding capacity. In August of 2020, the district successfully completed Bond 2018 which achieved a number projects outlined in the MFP. Two short years later, Bond 2021 was approved by voters to continue to address growth and meet the goals of the MFP. As a result, every school in the district has seen upgrades and/or expansions. New facilities include Paula Walker Elementary, Bobby Summers Middle School and Ruth Cherry Elementary School. On May 6, 2023 Royse City ISD voters again supported a bond program to build new schools. Many projects in Bond 2023 are underway. They include Sara Moss Elementary, David & Shirley Magness Middle School and Kevin Worthy Fate High School. Learn more about our plans for growth. |
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