Bond 2023 Construction Updates

Royse City ISD Community,

We continue to be thankful for your approval of the May 2023 Bond Program for the construction of new schools and facilities to serve our growing student enrollment. Royse City ISD is also committed to delivering on those projects as approved by the community. However, due to state legislative changes after the bond election, some necessary adjustments to the schedule of projects is required. This does not impact our commitment to completing each project, rather the timeline of construction and opening. 

What changed? 

After the May 2023 Bond Election, the Texas Legislature passed property tax relief for owners in the form of increased homestead exemptions and other relief measures. While the new legislation did benefit property owners as designed, it also contributed to a reduction of Royse City ISD’s bonding capacity. Changes in taxable property values directly impact when school districts can access approved funds. See chart at the end of this letter for more information.

What is the impact?

Reduction in taxable values in Royse City ISD in 2023, 2024 and 2025 require the district to prioritize and adjust construction schedules. Projects like Magness Middle School along with facilities yet to begin are being put on pause. The district awaits property valuations from the counties we serve and is also closely monitoring several bills in the ongoing legislative session that could impact this matter even further. Work at Worthy Fate High School continues.

What’s next?

We will engage with legislators to illustrate the unintended consequences of previous and future property tax relief laws on fast-growing districts. We will strategically manage available resources and prioritize student needs. We will partner with county appraisal districts in the three counties served in Royse City ISD to operate with the most accurate picture of property value growth. We anticipate having further information to share after the conclusion of the legislative session and the receipt of certified property values from the counties later this summer. 

We appreciate the community’s support and patience as we take the necessary steps to balance growth and financial responsibility. The impact on students and a dedication to transparency is at the forefront of our decisions. Thank you for your engagement and support as we navigate these new challenges.

Dr. Amy Anderson


Royse City ISD

Impact of senate bill 2 bar graph

  • The Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 2 in 2023, after Royse City ISD’s Bond 2023 Election. Property tax relief in the form of an increased homestead exemption resulted in a reduction in taxable value which limits the district’s ability to access previously approved bond dollars.

  • This stacked bar graph shows property value growth in Royse City ISD in both dollar and percentage figures. 

  • Percentages shown in blue represent what Royse City ISD must use to calculate bonding capacity for approved projects. 

  • Percentages shown in orange show the lost value resulting from Senate Bill 2 and illustrate why Royse City ISD’s bonding capacity is less than planned.

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