Interested in a future as a healthcare professional? HOSA is starting soon! Fill out the form https://bit.ly/4g0aI4H for more information.

Interested in Powerlifting? Attend one of the two meetings next Tuesday!

Yearbook picture day is September 4th!

Mascot tryout information!

We are proud to partner with the North Texas Food Bank with the School Pantry Program providing free shelf-stable food & fresh produce to students, staff & the community through school-based distributions at Baley Middle School. More at: https://www.rcisd.org/article/1271700

Check out our RCHS Back to School Newsletter: bit.ly/RCHSBTSINFO for important updates and information.
We are excited to see you Tuesday, August 13th!
Better Together!

Questions about Back to School? Schedules, parking permits, and Chromebooks? We have answers!

RCHS will have a new bell schedule this year!

Please see the attached information about Chromebook Rollout on August 6th and 7th from 4 to 7 pm at the RCHS CCA entrance. Your Chromebook will remain locked until the 24-25 user fee has been paid. You must be logged in to School Pay to pay your fee. bit.ly/hsc4lfee24

Information regarding 24-25 student parking permits.
Check out: https://bit.ly/RCHSPARKING24-25
Click here at designated time to purchase parking permit: https://events.hometownticketing.com/organization/be35a6b7-eb21-43a2-86ab-52be8696fd9a

Incoming freshman, we are excited to meet you! Join us Thursday, August 8 for Pup Camp! This experience is led by our RCHS student leaders. It is a chance for students to gain great information for the first day of school and tour the campus. bit.ly/RCHSPUPCAMP24 #oneRC

Dozens of Royse City FFA Students were honored at the June 17, 2024 School Board Meeting! Congratulations to these hardworking young men and women. Thank you to their dedicated teachers and families who help projects succeed. Read the full story at: https://www.rcisd.org/article/1648018

Congratulations, RCHS Class of 2024's Adeline Nenzou! She was honored last week by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) for the Teens Serving Texas Award and the TASSP All-State Academic Team at the statewide TASSP annual principal conference in Austin. "Above all else, students first." We are so proud of you! #TASSP2024 #RCISDJOY

Due to road construction on FM 2642 please enter RCHS CCA entrance and exit at North Stadium exit; RCHS summer office hours are 8am-4pm Monday through Thursday. Please note district offices will be closed July 1st-5th.

Support Royse City High School PTO at Texas Roadhouse Rockwall May 29th 3pm-10pm. Show this flyer to your server or at the To-Go window to support! Thank you!

Looking for some summertime activities for your children? Check out our growing list of Summer Athletic Camps: https://roysecitysports.rankone.com/Website/custompagefiles/652/RCHS%20Summer%20Camps%202024%20(8).pdf

The RCHS Legacy Pep Rally is a when the seniors pass the baton to the juniors. Thank you to the Class of 2024 for what you have done for the culture of Royse City High School and the community!

Bulldog Families,
In order to set our Bulldogs up for greatness May 20-23rd, Royse City High School students will not be allowed to bring bags, backpacks or drawstring cinch bags to school the last week of school. Please note lunch boxes are allowed. The expectation is that students will continue to follow dresscode and student code of conduct focusing on finishing strong in the classroom.
Students will be reviewing, studying and taking finals the last week of school, May 20-23rd. Thank you for your support and cooperation. Finish Strong Bulldogs!

Here is a quick newsletter with end of the year reminders and clarifications.

RCHS Teacher Debi Wood and a team of volunteers coordinated the 4th Annual Ran Man Field Day for students with diabilities. This event honors her late brother, Randy Stroder, who had Down's Syndrome. Mrs. Wood shares that every student the district with an intellectual disability is able to participate and win medals or a sensory toy prize. They are paired up with a buddy to navigate the day and often begin a new lasting friendship. It is truly a joy to see students helping others and enjoying the day together.