Information for the Melissa Football games:
· Tickets for your game can be found at the link below. Tickets for this game are currently open. https://www.melissaisd.org/page/tickets
· Note that VISITING fans should only enter on the Visitor side of the stadium (see attached parking map). There will be no crossover before, during, or after any contest.
· Our concession stands accept both cash and credit cards. There will be a full menu available, including hot food options.
· We plan on live streaming your game. We will schedule this game on Monday morning. Please let us know if you have any questions or objections about this process. The link is on the Melissa ISD website, http://www.melissaisd.org/livestream

Bulldog Traditions: Class of 2025 RCHS Class Rings & Junior Ring Ceremony. Check out http://bit.ly/RCHSClassRing for more info. #oneRC

RCHS is hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, September 7th from 8:45 to 2:45 in the Practice Gym. Sign up here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=bulldogbytes

No School Monday-Labor Day
Picture Day 9/5 for ALL students & staff! 📸
Order your photos here: mylifetouch.com
Picture Day ID: EVTJ4R2SC

Plan to meet us on September 11 for Open House and new CCA Ribbon Cutting.

RCISD Education Foundation presents the GREAT GRANT GIVEBACK CONTEST!
RCHS IS COMPETING AGAINST OTHER RCISD CAMPUSES to see who can raise the most money for the Education Foundation. Fifty percent of all proceeds raised for the winning campus will be donated back in the form of a grant.
Contest runs September 1 to October 15. Visit https://app.aplos.com/aws/give/RCISDEducationFoundation/RCHS to donate today.
We appreciate your support. LET'S GO!

Show your Bulldog spirit!

Library News
If you haven't had a chance to stop by the new library, make time!
#oneRC #RCISDLibraries

Student Parking Stickers are here! See the attached graphic for more information.

Homecoming Dance Tickets are now on sale. Use the QR code for more information:

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is meeting each Monday during A Block in CCA-128. Stop by if interested.

Robotics Club Competition teams are meeting now: every day during Bulldog Block A in Room CCA-110. Come check it out if you want to build.

Sophomores and Juniors only: Sign up for the PSAT by September 8th! The cost is $19.95 and will be held on Thursday, October 26th. It is a digital exam so an school-issued Chromebook is required.

Stay Afloat This Semester!
Join us for College Prep and Root Beer Floats
Today in the RCHS Library. 5:30-6:30

RCHS Counselor's Corner, August 2023

SAT Prep Boot Camp is coming to RCHS

Check out information for RCHS Homecoming Week 2023! https://drive.google.com/file/d/18qs1kfXGh9m5KRogTBP-izQNhKSLKQr1/view?usp=drive_link

Join us! A quick ribbon cutting ceremony will take place on Sept. 11 at 5:00 p.m. followed by an open house & informal tours of the Royse City College & Career Academy as well as the new Ag Center. Check out the amazing career training programs available to students! #RCISDJoy

Royse CIty ISD is proud to partner with local law enforcement agencies on all aspects of school safety including School Resource Officers. At least on armed officer or security guard is assigned to every campus in the district. More at: https://www.rcisd.org/page/safety-security

The new expansion at Royse City High School includes an enclosed courtyard for outdoor dining as well as a permanent home for the Bulldog Bites Food Truck! This converted school bus to food truck program was funded by the Royse City ISD Education Foundation!