Dance, cheer, baseball and softball students are very happy to see their new pactice spaces and locker rooms at RCHS. This space was approved in Bond 2021.

RCHS STUCO and Fashion Design have teamed up to deliver Nothing Bundt Love Valentine's Cakes on Valentine's Day. Cakes are $10 each - payment can be made through SchoolPay and information should be filled out via the Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeowfPfixxShmc6v48-NqU9rIRGMH1xEmIxlABQKSDylAdB-w/viewform

See attached image for baseball tryout times and information. Note: All rank one forms must be completed and all participants must be academically eligible.

Board Meeting Spotlight: Fine arts leadership recognized three students for participation in the 97th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Cale Austin, Harlee Henseon and Jacob Robb joined over 180 musicians from all 50 states for this special opportunity. They were involved in numerous rehearsals, performances, photo sessions, sightseeing and leadership clinics. Nine students in Royse City High School history have been chosen and completed this opportunity.

The deadline to purchase a yearbook is January 26th. This is your last chance to buy a yearbook. No extra yearbooks will be purchased for sale later.

The 2024 Spring E-Sports season begins soon!

Reminder Seniors:
Cap, Gown and Tassel are required to participate in the graduation ceremony and will need to be ordered by Monday, January 15th.
Click here for more details: https://bit.ly/RCHS24Grad

The Fine Arts Department presents Seussical. For more information, visit tinyurl.com/rcseussical

Juniors and Seniors! Don't miss the opportunity to take the ACT during school on February 28th. Deadline to sign up is January 11!

Congratulations to our hard working swim team! #OneRC

RCISD Grow Your Own teacher certification program will host an information session on January 18th, 4:30-5:30 in the Training Room at the Ernest Epps Administration Building. Applications for Cohort 3 open January 22, 2024.

We are excited to see you tomorrow Monday, January 8th!
Check out https://www.smore.com/x8tnw-royse-city-high-school for Semester 2 Reminders.

See you on the 8th, students!

Friendly Reminder: RCHS will have early release December 19th and 20th. Please note all courses will have a semester final exam. Please view final exam schedule attached.

Friendly reminder! Winter Break is coming soon. See graphics for information on a planned early release on Wednesday, December 20. Students will return to school on Monday, January 8 for the Spring Semester. #RCISDJoy

Board Meeting Recap: 9th Grader Kylee Glosson shared an ongoing service project for 4H GLOBE Organization in which she is currently collecting hygiene products for students who may be unhoused or facing a crisis situation. She plans to pursue social work after high school. Collection boxes are located at Royse City High School.

The RCHS Band Concert is tonight at 7pm at the RCISD Performing Arts Center. Don't miss it!

If you plan to participate in Boys Track and Field for the 2024 season, there is a mandatory informational meeting on January 8th, at 4:30pm in the Royce Swiney Indoor Facility Classroom.

The Bulldog Review will be Monday, January 22, 2024 at Royse City High School. Baley MS will be from 5:30 to 6:30 and Summers MS will be 6:30 - 7:30. See you there!